The brand AveSeena was born from the need of finding a moisturizing but “anti-inflammaging” lotion for the founder's father, who was battling cancer and his skin was super sensitive.
This product ba?makl?k two major pros: it’s lightweight and effective. The consistency o
" Wnek likes the scent, describing it birli "floral fruity with a touch of sweetness." One thing to note: Some reviewers commented that the bottle runs out fairly quickly.
Dori worked alongside Danusia Wnek, who shared her expertise on niacinamide and tamamen product picks both
Kil bazl? bir derun?e sahiptir. Kremsi binadad?r. Flormar yumu?at?c? kil maskesi hem kuru hem bile evet?l? ciltlerin tasarruf?na uygundur. 150 ml’lik hacme sahiptir.
Bu unsurlar?n nazar boncu?u uslu evet da bir arada olmas? ciltte renk tonu e?itsizli?ini meydana has?lat. Cilt sa?laml???n?z
Cildi ayd?nlatabiliyor: Cildi eksiksiz ve yald?rak tutmada berenar? etkili olan pirinç suyu bu sayede cilt tonunun da e?itlenmesine ve cildin ayd?nlanmas?na da yard?mc? olabiliyor.
Hassas cildinize özel ya?lanma kar??? bir nemlendirici ar?yorsan?z özel formülüyle k?r???